Museums, Plays and Showers... A busy weekend ahead!

FINALLY FRIDAY!  This week has been a long, busy and hectic one... and this weekend is going to be just as crazy!

Our tiny little town was chosen as a site for the Smithsonian Institute's "Museum On Main Street" program, so starting this weekend and continuing until early September, we get to host a traveling Smithsonian exhibit!  So fun!  This exhibit is titled "The Way We Worked" and focuses on the history of labor in the United States.

We have a big kickoff weekend planned, including a one-act melodrama that I am lucky enough to be a part of.   (8 months pregnant, in a play that will be performed twice, on an outside stage.  Am I crazy?!)  There has been so much work put into making this weekend a BIG event, and although I'm looking forward to seeing Waurika full of life and activity, I'm also looking forward to the kickoff being over and taking a BIG, guilt-free nap on Sunday.  All of the late-night play practices have me completely worn out.

Also on the weekend agenda?  A baby shower!  Friends are throwing us a diaper shower on Saturday evening, and I am really looking forward to seeing a lot of faces I haven't seen in awhile.  So many of my closest friends live in other cities (and states!) and many of them will be in town to help us celebrate Baby C.  I hope to remember to take lots of pictures, but I'm NOT the best at remembering in the moment...

Sunday will be a day of church, family time, and DEFINITELY a nap or two.  I've got some major house cleaning to do as well, but it's yet-to-be determined as to whether that will actually happen. Mama needs some REST!

Have a wonderful weekend!


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