
Showing posts from July, 2017

A Labor Soundtrack...

So I'm not putting together a "Birth Plan" for Baby C's arrival... the plan is to get this baby here safely, plain and simple, by whatever means necessary.  I do have a few specific requests for after he/she arrives, but I'll save those for another post.   The one prep "to-do" on my list that I currently obsessed with is my playlist for the big day. Kinda silly, right?  I know.  But if you know me, you know music is extremely important to me- and if you don't know me, Hello.  My name is Jessica and music is extremely important to me. When I sat down to start building the playlist, I envisioned lots of fast-paced hip-hop music, much like my running playlists of days past.  But as I started thinking about it all, I realized I'd like calming, relaxing music.  I don't think I REALLY need Salt N Pepa telling me to "Push It," do I?  So, I decided to opt for more soothing tunes... I started making a list of artists with whom I...

What a Weekend!

What a busy weekend!  It was also a fantastic one, so I have no complaints! Friday evening, our little town had a big celebration to kick off the traveling Smithsonian exhibit that will be here until early September (random thought:  by the time it's over and moves on, I'll have a BABY!)...  Over 300 people spent the evening together at our historic Rock Island Depot, entertained by music and a fun little melodrama that I was lucky enough to be a part of. A beautiful Friday evening in Waurika! Eight months pregnant, on stage, outside.  Probably not my smartest move... but a blast! Saturday was another full day of events in town, but due to the heat I stayed home until it was time to perform again (an afternoon show... it was BRUTALLY hot!).  Then, Michael and I hurried home to shower and change and head to a baby shower that some dear friends threw for us!  It was such a treat to have so many friends gathered together for an eve...

Museums, Plays and Showers... A busy weekend ahead!

FINALLY FRIDAY!  This week has been a long, busy and hectic one... and this weekend is going to be just as crazy! Our tiny little town was chosen as a site for the Smithsonian Institute's "Museum On Main Street" program, so starting this weekend and continuing until early September, we get to host a traveling Smithsonian exhibit!  So fun!  This exhibit is titled "The Way We Worked" and focuses on the history of labor in the United States. We have a big kickoff weekend planned, including a one-act melodrama that I am lucky enough to be a part of.   (8 months pregnant, in a play that will be performed twice, on an outside stage.  Am I crazy?!)  There has been so much work put into making this weekend a BIG event, and although I'm looking forward to seeing Waurika full of life and activity, I'm also looking forward to the kickoff being over and taking a BIG, guilt-free nap on Sunday.  All of the late-night play practices have me completely worn ou...

I swear, I'm not complaining...

Can we just be real for a minute or two?  As in, "REAL" real? Pregnancy is awful. Don't get me wrong- it's beautiful and magical and amazing and all of those other adjectives I'd usually reserve to describe some sort of fairy land.  It truly is surreal that the human body can do so much on its own, and the mere act of growing another human being is mind-blowing.  As someone who never thought she'd be experiencing this, I'm honored and blessed to have this opportunity.  I get that.  I can remember hearing others complain about it and thinking to myself "Well, at least YOU get to have this life moment...".  So please believe me when I say that I am not complaining.  Well, I am- but I'm not.  Also- I am acutely aware that I am not the first OR the last woman to be pregnant.  I'm not special. This pregnancy isn't something for the record books.  I'm not looking for sympathy or praise.  I'm just wanting to be brutally honest a...