Are you a pod(cast) person?
I have to admit, I am usually one of the lasts to accept new technological norms. When iPods became a thing, I clutched onto my beloved CD collection with all that I had. When Netflix stopped shipping DVD's and became a streaming-only service, I canceled my account. I JUST bought a firestick for our living room TV when quarantine began. Maybe "technology" isn't the problem, but more that I haven't been quick to accept new ways in which to receive entertainment. (Weird sentence?) Same goes for podcasts. "I like talk radio. Why do I need a podcast? I'd rather just listen to music... " Until I was introduced to a few podcasts, that is. Now, they are almost all I listen to when given the chance. When I'm cooking or cleaning in the kitchen and my family is in the other room...podcast. When I'm driving.... pod...