Here I Go Again

After years of blogging, I fell off out of the blog orbit...  and then, I attempted to reenter the atmosphere many, many times.  I could never seem to pick up steam.  After taking time off and my life changing quite a bit, I couldn't find my niche, my voice, my purpose- but I missed writing and I missed the blogging community, so I kept trying.  And failing to stick to it.

One spring day, I wrote a "note" on Facebook, in response to a negative post about my hometown.  From there, I was approached about starting to write for my local paper (a weekly column called "What's Right About Jefferson County," that I do for free.  I'm no journalist. Ain't nobody winning a Pulitzer around here anytime soon).  I am so grateful for the chance - and the responsibility- to write on a regular basis again.  Getting back into the habit of writing has re-lit the fire for writing for me and I've once again been toying with the idea of this blog.  Again.  (Have I mentioned I've attempted to start blogging again, several times?)
Side Note:  I'll be posting the weekly columns under the "What's Right" tab, if you're interested...

I've decided, once and for all, to give it another try.  If it works, wonderful.  If it doesn't- I'll put it back to bed until a later time.  When I was an active blogger in the past, I had stories to tell.  I loved life and I was happy to share my crazy world with anyone who wanted to read about it... then, I fell into a rut.  I had less to say.  I didn't want to be honest with myself, much less anyone else- at least not in the way that I believe you should be if you are going to expect people to become regular visitors of  what is essentially your online diary.  I've been a part of this world before.  I still have some amazing friendships that were born through blogging, and it's because it was in this place where I could be honest and open.  I felt safe enough to do that, I felt confident enough to do that.  And thankfully, I've found my way back to that place. 

So, here goes nothing!  I'm not sure what's going to take place here.  I don't know what shape this is going to take, what I'm going to say or where this is going to lead- but I do promise to always be authentic, honest, and open.  I hope to document my life, during a time when I am enjoying each day more than the last.  I'm honored if you stop by on occasion to see what's going on, and look forward to what may come!


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